Pályázat innovatív, megújuló energetikai projektek megvalósításának támogatására

Pályázati innovatív, tiszta energia projektek megvalósításának támogatására. A pályázat célja az üvegházhatású gázok kibocsátásának csökkentő, kiforrott és jelentős potenciállal rendelkező, innovatív technológiákat, eljárásokat vagy termékeket bemutató projektek támogatása; valamint a támogatható projektek piaci igényeihez és kockázati profiljához igazított pénzügyi támogatás nyújtása további állami és magánforrások bevonása érdekében. A projektek végrehajtására rendelkezésre álló időtartam 48 hónap. Pályázatot önállóan és konzorciumi formában is be lehet nyújtani.

A pályázati kiírás nyelve angol.


The objectives of this call are to:

  • support projects demonstrating highly innovative technologies, processes or products, that are sufficiently mature and have a significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
  • offer financial support tailored to market needs and risk profiles of eligible projects, while attracting additional public and private resources.


In order to be eligible for funding under this call, the applicants must be:

  • legal persons;
  • belong to one of the following categories: private entities, public entities, or international organisations;
  • be directly responsible for the implementation and management of the project where relevant jointly with other applicants, i.e. not acting as an intermediary.


The following activities can be funded under this call:

  • activities that support innovation in low-carbon technologies and processes in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive, including environmentally safe carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) that contributes substantially to mitigating climate change, as well as products substituting carbon intensive ones produced in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive,
  • activities that help stimulate the construction and operation of projects that aim at the environmentally safe capture and geological storage of CO2 (CCS),
  • activities that help stimulate the construction and operation of innovative renewable energy and energy storage technologies.

Projects to be funded by this Innovation Fund call are expected to contribute to the transition to a climate-neutral economy by 2050 and to the target to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030 as defined in the European Climate Law5 within the overall framework of the European Green Deal.

The available budget for this call is EUR 1 500 000 000 for grants and EUR 2 000 000 for project development assistance (PDA). The grants will be provided as lump sums.

The following conditions must be fulfilled in relation to the duration of their proposed actions:

  • the project must reach financial close within four years (48 months) after grant signature
  • the default monitoring and reporting period once the project has entered into operation is 10 years; exceptionally shorter periods (no shorter than 3 years) can be accepted by CINEA based on a justification provided by the applicant in the Application Form Part B.

The maximum grant amount is fixed for each project on the basis of the relevant costs calculation done according to the methodology described in Annex B and covers up to 60% of the relevant costs of projects.

Award criteria

  • GHG emission avoidance potential
    • Absolute GHG emissions avoidance
    • Relative GHG emissions avoidance
    • Quality of the calculation, net carbon removals, other GHG savings
  • Degree of innovation
    • Innovation in relation to the state of the art
    • Contribution to further EU policy objectives
  • Project maturity
    • Technical maturity
    • Financial maturity
    • Operational maturity
  • Scalability
  • Cost efficiency

Tovább a pályázatfigyelő portálra: Pályázat innovatív, tiszta energia projektek megvalósításának támogatására

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